Bajaj Health Insurance ID Card Not Received

Dear Sir/Madam ,

I B.KrishnaPrasad , holding Bajaj Health Insurance Policy Number = 0183530678 taken on 19-09-2010 , but till date i did not received HealthID card . Contacted customer care told to contact branch , when contacted branch they are saying it will be received from head office only . It is nearly one month but still i did not receive health card . kindly help me in this issue . My CC complaint number is 6725606 / 6941683 . They told me i wll be receiving health card within one week , but till i did not received .

Name : B.KrishnaPrasad
BajajHealthPolicyNumber : 0183530678
BajajHealthID Number : VAL-0183530678-76473
CC Complaint Number : 6941683

Kindly help urgently in resolving the issue and action to be taken on such insurance companies who are troubling to customers . Kindly do the needful urgently .
Cell – 9848051328

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