Oriental Insurance – Agent – Not Allowing Branch Change

From K.CHANDRASEKARAN, Agent (BA0000130736), Oriental Insurance Company, 24, Muthalammankovil street, Dindigul.624002, Tamilnadu Honoured Sir, I would like to place this petition before your good office that I am Agent of Oriental Insurance Company, Divisional office, Karur and my Development officer is Mr. A.Sundararajan (Code: NA0000002837).

I gave a splendid business to Karur office for the past 3 years. Now due to unavoidable circumstances, I shifted my residence to my native at Dindigul and on my clients willing I like to change my agency from Karur Divisional Office to Dindigul Divisional Office. Hence, I preferred an application before the Divisional Manager, Oriental Insurance Company, Karur on 18.1.2017. Till now, I am not relieved from Karur. I felt hardship and mental agony due to this deliberate delay made in Divisional office. Moreover I state that, I lost my business for about 7.5 lakhs mostly in March, 2017. Eventhough the Divisional Manager, Karur ordered for relieving, my petition was kept idle before the Development officer, Karur. Whenever I contact him, he gave lame excuse and making deliberate delay. I have no other way to go except to the private insurance companies. Hence, I request you Honour, to take necessary action against my transfer petition preferred before the Divisional Office, Karur and save this poor agent. Thanking you, 24.5.2017 Yours sincerely, (K.CHANDRASEKRAN)


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