unwanted messages even after registering DND

I have registered my mobile no 9634990636(pre paid) on DND (fully blocked category) dtd02oct 2011 Reg no 1064041698.On 9th Dec I recived message asking whether Iam satisfied with communication with Jitendra sms was from 876.In fact I did not call any. After sometimes another sms, thank you for contacting airtel your request reference no RDVDE41209872677 this was from AD-airtel MO. Next day onwards sms started coming in about Annas movement..I am not sure wether howmuch I’ve been charged for that.I contacted customer service operator. He is saying you’ve asked for it. ..?? on 17th dec another sms from55382 some religioous downloading LG ..
I want to know
1. what is the use of DND fully blocked catogery(all bogus??).Airtel has any political stand??(by promoting Anna team)

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