Companies / Corporates

India is a Democratic Country with Free and Open Markets across consumer facing businesses. We acknowledge that Bugs / Defects / Dis-satisfaction / Deficiency in Services etc to consumers are a part of the business life-cycle. However, in the context of India, Corporate always have had an upper hand and Consumers are always at the receiving end. Thus to fend off this imbalance ComplaintBox is striving to educate Corporates / Brands on how well consumers are happy with them.

As a Corporate / Company / Firm / Service Provider, you need to be much more responsible in addressing your consumers’ needs. To help you establish the same and tell the world that you care for your customers, is happy to provide you a Separate Login with which you can communicate to your customer.

How can a Company / Corporate / Brand become Member of ComplaintBox Platform ?
You’ll need to authenticate yourself as an authorized representative of the company by sending us an e-mail from your company id to bcwebs at gmail dot com Kindly include the following details in the e-mail,

  • Name of Company
  • Contact Person Name and Phone
  • Logo of Your Company / Brand

We’ll assist you further once we receive the details and make this one of the best platforms for you to re-establish your Brand / Company reputation on how pro-actively you are addressing your customer problems.

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