M/S. Big Foot – Within 2 days it has been damaged defective shoes sold

I purchased a footwear from this shop M/S. Big Foot , Swapnalok Complex, S.D. Road, Secunderabad-3, vide bill No Nil dated 27.12.13 for Rs.699.00 Within 2 days it has been damaged and I approached them for a replacement on 5.1.14. They have not only refused to replace the footwear but failed to repair it on my visit. I have requested the shop keeper to provide the address of the manufacturer which also could not be provided by the Cash counter in charge of the shop. I was very much annoyed and upset on the behaviour of the shop Manager. In return he raised his voice and commanded me not to talk. He blamed me back by saying “You must have walked with the chapel that is why it would have been broken”. If I have to go to the shop a number of times I have to leave my job and have to spent a reasonable amount of money for petrol as I am staying In a far distance (Kompally – Medchal). I request you to register a complaint on this firm and provide me with the compensation. Thanking you, Kurian George 09490746xxx (Hyderabad)


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