PSB – s are not following CGHS guideline for medical reimbursement to the staff

It is true that any patient has a right to choose his doctor. But such right cannot extend to cases where public funds are involved. Such rights do not extend if he/she expects reimbursement from an institution. In such cases they have to approach doctors/hospitals that such institutions have appointed/nominated. If he/she does not want reimbursement, he/she can go to any doctor he/she pleases. The RBI/IDBI/NABARD/SBI/BoI/UBI and other PSBs are not following CGHS guideline for medical reimbursement to the staff. All staff/pensioners are deciding the Specialty and Doctors, no prior consultation or referral from Bank Medical Officer, getting 100percent reimbursement. All are empanelling hospital differently and paying more than the CGHS rates (very less) giving undue advantage to hospitals and giving huge losses to the Banks.


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