Sony laptop – freezing -hanging again and again

Since, 22-03-2014 my Laptop has hardly stayed with me in working condition for a week and it has mostly stayed with the service center. When I gave it second time on 04-04-2014, it took them 25 days to repair it and they returned it on 29-04-14 and within a couple of days the screen went blank. For the 3rd time I gave it to Mohan-Co-operative office on 5-5-2014 and they returned it on 10-05-2014. (I am attaching the scan of all the jobsheets). Now the laptop is 1) freezing/hanging again and again. 2) Eevry time a blue screen appears and laptop shuts down automatically while browsing internet (esp in internet explorer). I am also attaching the image of the message that appears on screen when it goes blue, alongwith the message which appears after restart. My complain is that they are not diagnosing the laptop proper before returning.

Complainant Information
name- AJMALRASHID e-mail ajmal.rashid@gmail

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