Vodafone Mobile Unwarranted Data Charges

There had been several occasions now that I’d been continuously charged for VAS or Data Charges on my mobile no. 91- 9899073773 by provider Vodafone. As this began when i bought Samsung galaxy note last year in the month of June. Getting an android phone i activated a 3G plan for internet connection. The download for 1st month was extreme being new user i got a bill amount of 2200 Rs. was paid and simultaneously next month the bill was generated of 1900 approx. As i realized that its not viable to consume such hefty bill, I made a request to deactivate 3G connection. Post my request for deactivation, my bills resumed normal and it continued till end of 2012 i paid not more than 500 every month. As suddenly in the month of January this year i received a bill for 2400 Rs. and it was claimed that i have made download. I made them remembered that I’d not using any internet services as the request for cancellation was made long time ago and proof of it was that the bills were back to normal. I also claimed that please let me know the usage i.e. downloads I’ve made from which all URL’s or websites I’ve visited will help me remember the usage. They had no record of that information as the customer service representative (CSR) claimed that they only will be able to provide information on total kilobytes or megabytes used by me. I pleaded them that this is not right as I’ve not used any services after i realized long time back that it’s too expensive. Surprisingly the fact came before me was there is a pre-activated service on every connection vodafone gave to the customer known as – VODAFONE CONNECT. This is a zero rental service activated on each sim and it is activated automatically if comes in use by customer (even accidently).

Though I know i have not visited any website or made download this could have not been possible. However, I was surprise that how come this service was activated to my sim or for that matter to any customer without their knowledge. This is another way of keeping ambiguity to the customer and when in case it is realized Vodafone already has billed you for it. Despite fighting a lot, as you will see the trail I was harrased to the core that I started loosing sleep, being jobless I had been searching for job since September last year my contact no. was disconnected recently, many employers were unable to contact me. I feel distress with vague and malicious replies from vodafone CSR. I paid them 1500 once in the month of Jan so I can sustain the no. for my employment sake. But couldn’t help later on when received another bill for 2400 Rs. This has caused so stress to me that I’ve not been able to keep up well and always been thinking of somebody calling me on that no. will receive disconnected msg. I have decided to fight this injustice not for me but now for others who are unaware of such evil and unfriendly practises by these telecom providers to their customers. I am highly impressed the way matters taken up by Pehredar

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