HP Laptop Problems- Redington India No Customer Care – A Review

My laptop was not powering on so i contacted Redington india limited andheri office for service. i went there and submit my laptop on 27 july 2013,they keep saying till Friday that engineers are checking my laptop,on friday (2 august 2013) they said that my laptops motherboard is not working and it has to be replaced and it will cost around 10,500 INR + taxes. I am not convinced by this and took back my laptop from service center on Tuesday( 6 august 2013), they charged me 337 INR for servicing. Then i called a different vendor (etechies) for servicing the engineer of etechies came to my room opened my laptop took detached RAM cleaned it with cotton attached it and my laptop starts,they said that it is just a problem due to moisture. Laptop Details :- HP pavalion dv6-6155 serial no-5CH13319N3 Redington services work order id – AN/13/03731 Etechies service id -109594

1) they took my laptop for 10 days and do nothing,it is very hard to study for a student withoutlaptop as most of the reading material is online 2) they charged me rs 337 for doing nothing 3) i traveled 2 times 2-3 hour round trip journey (powai to andheri via Bus)for nothing also cost me rs 60 4) As a service provider of leading company (HP) they provide me very bad service. they answer after dialing 20 times a number 5) the panicked me by saying that my mother board is not working and it will cost me rs 11000 (approx)

I want my money they charged from me, also i spent on travelling I want reimbursement for my wasted time and problems faced in study due to non availability of laptop i want reimbursement for artificial created pressure of incure of rs 11000

Complainant Information
name- nishantnkj

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