SnapDeal – Watch Exchange/Return

I gave a call to snapdeal representative before buying the product and asked him about refund policy, he informed me to register complain within 7 days to get refund or replacement. The dimensions of the watch are not mentioned on website so with a doubt in mind I thought of confirming refund policy and came to know that I will get if requested within 7 days. Size of the dial is too big than what was expected and it is very big for the one whom I wanted to gift this. So I request you to give me the refund or I am also willing to get different watch which ever is convenient to you. Dial is too big than expected and there is nothing mentioned in website that watch cant be returned. It is clearly written on that watch webpage that is there is size issue then watch will be replaced or refund will be provided depending upon customers requirement. I also have screenshot of these policies, one of which I have attached where SnapDeal has mentioned that if there is a size problem they will return or refund the amount.

I request SnapDeal to give me the refund or I am also willing to get different watch which ever is convenient to you.

Complainant Information
name- AbhijeetSutrave

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