Vodafone – falls comitment made by collection agent

9836XXX2666 987XXX997 The above mentioned two numbers were suspended due to unpaid bills (Please note due to some billing issues I have not paid bills for those two numbers) The outstanding amount was – Rs. 2800/- – Rs. 1100/- A person called me and told me that he is calling from VODAFONE and told me that he will waive off Rs. 500/- for the first number and Rs. 300/- for the second number and also asked me to pay the rest outstanding amount of those two numbers. As instructed I paid: – Rs. 2300/- – Rs. 800/- After a long while when I got bills of those two numbers I found that the amounts has not been adjusted with my current o/s till date. Even I got message from Vodafone on my other numbers informing me that all the numbers will be suspended for unpaid bills of those two numbers. The numbers on which I got suspension message are mentioned below: Here, its your fault then why should I be penalized for the same??? Request you to take care of that issue on an urgent basis and get back to me as early possible. Please Note: I have already escalated the issue to Nodal Desk. The collection agent asked me to give him an application for waiver and he also given me a received copy. I have the hard copy.

Migration of those two connections into Prepaid with immediate effect.

Complainant Information
name- Prabir1000

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