Videocon D2H Channel Removed Without Permission

I have a videcon d2h annual new diamond package which i renewed last year and expires end of this september 2016, which i already paid for at start. Customer ID123933287 Account No 12330041 As part of this annual package, i had asianet / asianet plus channels, which were off suddenly removed in July 2016. When i asked why were they removed when i have already for, they have no explanation, and only tell that they have now removed it from the package, and will be chargeable. How can they remove a channel i already paid for? This is cheating the customer, and dishonour of the annual subscription renewal.

I have lost these channels, and they say i have to pay for those two channels now. I have lost those two channels, which i already paid for. The notional value for the loss for those three months is a small amount of Rs 120, but bigger issue is the cheating of customer and no accountability on the provider.

The channel must be penalized by the broadcasting authorities. I am not the only one cheated here, there are many such customers who are having similar grievances. I would thus recommend a thorough penalty on the provider for cheating customers.

Email Id: sanjayc1981@yahoo.

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