Volkswagen – Car breakdown No solution

Complaint made on 20th Apr’15 to Volkswagen through email on my car breakdown. Today is the 10th day my car is still with the dealer as one part of the car is not available with them and three parts available but not yet reached them. My car ignition is permanently stopped, centrally locked except the main door and steering to clutch, break, accelerator not working. It took them 4days to get back to me. I have kept all sort of communication over email but they chose to communicate over phone. I have no clue and response from the brand as to when my car will be fixed and running. I am speaking to Mr. Satish Kannan the Regional Head of West from Volkswagen. He is new in the city and he is being supportive to me but even he is clueless about my car repair, fix and delivery. The senior management of Volkswagen (Mahesh Kodumudi chose not to speak with the customer after detailing out the problem. If the problem is so big then the company should replace the car. Instead they were asking me for insurance and informed me they will share the expense quotation. They are taking their own sweet day to check the problem and no concrete response to the problem.

I have asked the Volkswagen company to get it replaced with a new car if the problem is so major and big for which they have only ignored my emails. I have kept all my communication in GMAIL.

Email Id: arunadaydaspurkayastha@gmail.

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